About us

Ukatemi Technologies is a professional engineering company with demonstrated expertise and experience in high quality and unique cybersecurity services.

Our philosophy

Atemi (noun, japanese: a direct strike against someone). Ukemi (noun, japanese: the art of knowing how to respond correctly to an attack). Ukatemi expresses our ability to learn and teach the skills to defend our clients against cyber-attacks. Ukatemi is a professional engineering company with demonstrated expertise and experience in high quality and unique cybersecurity services. We approach problems with an engineering attitude. We enjoy dissecting things to understand them better, we are excited to design new solutions, we care about small details in implementation, and we always strive for quality.
Our motto is 'Driven by challenges'. We believe that project success and client satisfaction are based on providing an experienced, dedicated staff, therefore each of our engineers is an experienced and skilled professional. Ukatemi was founded in 2012 as a spin-off company of the renowned CrySyS Lab of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics. We strive to meet the highest international standards and also possess NATO clearance (secret), EU clearance (secret) and Hungarian national clearance (top secret).

Brothers in arms

Our team

Roland Kamarás


László Dóra

Head of Development

Boldizsár Bencsáth PhD

Co-founder, Senior Manager

Gabriela Sebényová

Head of Marketing

Levente Buttyán

Co-Founder, Senior Manager

Kristóf Tamás

Head of Security Services

Viktor Bocsok

Head of Business Development

Csongor Ferenczi

CIO, Embedded Sec. Specialist

Teréz Horváth

Office Manager

Csongor Tamás

Innovation Team Lead

Balázs Gnandt

CISO, Senior Pentester

Gergő Krátky

Senior Penetration Tester

Csaba Sarkadi


Ferenc Schulcz

Nuclear Cybersecurity Specialist

András Gazdag

Senior IT Security Specialist

Tamás Holczer

Nuclear Cybersecurity Team Lead

Zoltán Iuhos


Gergő Ládi

Senior IT Security Specialist

Máté Magyar


Dorottya Futóné Papp

Senior IT Security Specialist

Zoltán Csernák


Gábor Hangyál

IT Security Specialist

Krisztián Volentér

IT Security Specialist

Máté Törőcsik


Who have already chosen us

Our clients

Standards to work by

Certs and awards

In the R&D depatrment
